Maslach and her colleagues developed a method for assessing burnout as a multidimensional construct that went beyond mere exhaustion (maslach and jackson, 1981; maslach et al., 2008).. The maslach burnout inventory (mbi; maslach et al., 1996) is currently the most widely used research instrument to measure burnout, that is used in over 90% of empirical research (schaufeli and enzmann, 1998).. Scores produced by the maslach burnout inventory-general survey (mbi- gs), the burnout measure (bm), the shirom-melamed burnout measure (smbm), and the oldenburg burnout inventory (olbi)..
Pedrabissi, l., santinello, m. (1988) professione infermieristica e sindrome del burnout: un contributo alla tartura del maslach burnout inventory [the burnout syndrome in the nursing profession: a contribution to the calibration of the maslach burnout inventory].. On the clinical validity of the maslach burnout inventory and the burnout measure* wilmar b. schaufeli1 arnold b. barker1, kees hoogduin2, cas schaap3 and atilla kladler4 1 utrecht university, the netherlands 2university ofnijmegen, the netherlands ^university ofgroningen, the netherlands 4hsk croup, nijmegen, the netherlands (in final form. The maslach burnout inventory (mbi). third edition, consulting psychologists press. as of 2010, the mbi is published and distributed by mind garden,